Project title and summary:

League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Opening Credits

Project medium:

Photoshop and After Effects Animation, Musical Composition (Digital or analog)

Provide a detailed description of the project. If an animation, specify length and frames per second.

An animated TV/Anime opening based on the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen comic. Style will reminiscent of James Bond/Cowboy Bebop/Venture Brothers/ The Incredibles, with high saturation, high contrast, and heavy use of silhouette. Music will be self-composed, with a jazzy bombastic edge, either complied digitally from samples from personal electric keyboard, be raw recording of real piano playing, or composed in orchestral synthesizer as yet undecided. The animation will be slightly less than 60 seconds, and either at 24 frames per second, or at twelve if I really want to play up the 'aged' quality. Aspect ratio 4.3.

What is the ideal presentation for your project?

Projected on a wall, playing on an old TV screen from the 60's, Youtube Video

List the number of visual assets needed for this project. Specify the number of colors, size, style, type, etc. Group and sort them by complexity.

720 frames of limited color animation (if 24fps)

List any other assets needed for this project.

1 awesome music track.

public domain book text for video collage

Does the project involve learning any new software or techniques?

Orchestra Synthesizer (Free Trial), Advanced Audacity

List all risks involved in this project, and possible backup plans should the risks arise:

Lots of scenes and scene transitions. Every shot needs to feel unique and creative.