1 - Study Time

You're a student. It's late at night. You have an essay due tomorrow.

It's 12am, and you have to leave home by 7am. A timer starts (not in real-time).

The essay takes a set amount of time to complete, and you have a set amount of energy to do it, but it's not enough.

If your energy reaches 0%, you fall asleep instantly. E.G. Doing your essay for too long or staying still for too long, draining your energy.

If it reaches 100%, you have an anxiety attack. E.G. Drinking all of your energy drinks at once.

You have different options available to you to give you more energy, but you don't know what they are. The challenge is to find the balance between doing enough things that give you energy to complete your essay. Not too much, but not too little...

2 - Get Fed

You're a cat. You're hungry. You must fill your owner's annoyance meter until he feeds you.

You can meow, knock down different items, distract him, and keep him from doing his work. But don't get too close! If you get too close, he'll pet you, and his annoyance meter goes straight down. Too much downtime also makes his annoyance meter slowly go down.

3 - Avoid the Cat

The opposite of the previous idea. You're the owner, and your cat is hungry. You cant let your cat fill your annoyance meter.